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I’m proud to announce that I recently contributed to a blog post by author Jordan M Ring. I was fortunate enough to become acquainted with Jordan recently when he emailed me to tell me he enjoyed my book Tame Your Anxiety. I was extremely honored by his compliment because he is a respected author himself, as well as a blogger and tastemaker.

He asked me to contribute to a blog post called “19 Ways To Conquer Low Self-Esteem,” and I jumped at the chance. Low self-esteem is a chronic problem in our culture, but it is hardly ever discussed. I have actually considered writing a book about self-esteem, and I hope I do someday. I don’t feel I’m ready to write that book yet, but it’s high on my list of book ideas.

I was one of 19 contributors to the post, so you’ll need to scroll down to view my response.

Click here to view “19 Ways To Conquer Low Self-Esteem”

Also, I highly recommend you check out Jordan’s books.